Fri, Oct 01, 2021
Makeup Class
In 2727 Second Ave, Detroit, Michigan, 48201
Posted by:
Nataley Oliver
Add to Calendar
10/01/2021 12:19 pm
01/01/2022 12:8 pm
Makeup Class
<p>Watch a live Makeup Demonstration with Natty Rocberry! </p>
<p>Let me introduced you to the wonderful world of makeup! Hello, my name is Natty Rocberry and together I want to teach you how to properly choose your makeup brushes, shape your eyebrows, eye lash application, match your skin complexion and BLEND!</p>
<p>For only two hours, this course will answer all of your classic makeup inquiries and more! Easy and fun for beginners I guarantee you will know how to apply makeup like a beginner at the end of our session!</p>
<p>*small bites and beverages will be provided at the end of class!</p>
In 2727 Second Ave, Detroit, Michigan, 48201

Makeup Class
In 2727 Second Ave, Detroit, Michigan, 48201
Posted by:
Nataley Oliver
Add to Calendar
10/01/2021 12:19 pm
01/01/2022 12:8 pm
Makeup Class
<p>Watch a live Makeup Demonstration with Natty Rocberry! </p>
<p>Let me introduced you to the wonderful world of makeup! Hello, my name is Natty Rocberry and together I want to teach you how to properly choose your makeup brushes, shape your eyebrows, eye lash application, match your skin complexion and BLEND!</p>
<p>For only two hours, this course will answer all of your classic makeup inquiries and more! Easy and fun for beginners I guarantee you will know how to apply makeup like a beginner at the end of our session!</p>
<p>*small bites and beverages will be provided at the end of class!</p>
In 2727 Second Ave, Detroit, Michigan, 48201
Watch a live Makeup Demonstration with Natty Rocberry!
Let me introduced you to the wonderful world of makeup! Hello, my name is Natty Rocberry and together I want to teach you how to properly choose your makeup brushes, shape your eyebrows, eye lash application, match your skin complexion and BLEND!
For only two hours, this course will answer all of your classic makeup inquiries and more! Easy and fun for beginners I guarantee you will know how to apply makeup like a beginner at the end of our session!
*small bites and beverages will be provided at the end of class!
Date And Time
Ticket Sale
Start Time: Fri, Oct 01, 2021, 12:19 pm
End Time: Sat, Jan 01, 2022, 12:8 pm
End Time: Sat, Jan 01, 2022, 12:8 pm
Ticket Sale
Sale Start: Sun, Oct 17, 9:30 am
Sale End: Sat, Jan 01, 12:30 pm
Sale End: Sat, Jan 01, 12:30 pm
In 2727 Second Ave, Detroit, Michigan, 48201
Hey just checking to see if you are still running this event??
Thanks for your booking!
Makeup Class
Ticket Sent TO:
Date And Time:
Fri, Oct 01, 2021, 12:19 pm -
Sat, Jan 01, 2022, 12:8 pm